The Top 5 Interesting Facts of Brazil
Top Five Interesting Facts About Brazil Today's blog will also have the some interesting facts about the Country Brazil. Brazil is Known as the richest country in the water resources and second is Nepal. Also the country is known for the footballer. But there is a lot more than just legendary football players through this blog i will give some of the interesting fact that some will know but not all. The five most interesting facts that i have found and researched about this country Brazil which is The world's Fifth largest country by both landmarks and population. This is one of the small facts and here are the top 5 facts for readers- 1. Sao Paulo- Elected Rhinoceros the city council This things wasn't happened in any country in the world but Brazil did it. In 1959, a 5 year old Rhinoceros named Kakaako won seat with nearly a hundred thousand votes. This fact remains an interesting one and some criticiz...